Garage Sale Frame to Cute Corkboard 

This is honestly one of those projects that took a turn because I got lazy. My roommate broke my full-size mirror a long time ago and I tried to come up with a way to reuse the broken glass. I decided on making a mosaic and searched a while for just the right frame. Then I found this:

Garage Sale Frame to Cute Corkboard 

It was perfect for my original project because it was a sturdy frame with a solid backing to lay glass on. The first thing I did was sand it down a little and give it a coat of black spray paint.

Garage Sale Frame to Cute Corkboard 

I started laying the glass pieces (without glue), but this is as far as I got before giving up (or at least I told myself I would finish it later).

Garage Sale Frame to Cute Corkboard 

It looked pretty cool, but it got harder to arrange the glass pieces without much space in between. I also decided when I was finished it was going to be really heavy.

Instead I had Chris dump all the glass for me and I  pulled out some leftover cork and fabric. I decided to make a corkboard for the office I keep dreaming about.

To begin I laid out the cork and measured the dimensions of the inside of the frame. I measured it out on the cork and drew the lines where I needed to cut.

Garage Sale Frame to Cute Corkboard 

After cutting I put the cork in the frame to check it was right before cutting the fabric.

Garage Sale Frame to Cute Corkboard 

To cut the fabric I placed the cork on top and cut it leaving a little bit extra to fold over the edges of the cork.

My fabric was a little wrinkly, and we have very limited resources to fix that. Iron? Nope. Dryer? Nope. DIY de-wrinkle spray made with fabric softener? Definitely nope. Instead, I tried the next closest thing to the dryer trick. Which was hanging my cut piece of fabric on the towel bar in the bathroom while I showered. Took the wrinkles right out! 🙂

To glue it together I used mod podge on the face of the cork and used my hot glue gun to glue the edges of the fabric to the back of the cork.

Garage Sale Frame to Cute Corkboard 

Then, to glue the cork to the frame I put hot glue all along the edges and an X through the middle. I had to do it quickly so the glue wouldn’t cool.

Garage Sale Frame to Cute Corkboard 

Quickly after I placed the corkboard, and tucked the edges into the frame.

Garage Sale Frame to Cute Corkboard 

And that was it! I plan on using it to “pin” ideas for inspiration and home makeover ideas. Like a little project board.

What do you use to corral your inspiration?

See You Around!

Lauren <3